Any applied economic researcher using Stata and anyone teaching or studying microeconometrics will benefit from Cameron and Trivedi’s two volumes. They are an invaluable reference of the theory and intuition behind microeconometric methods using Stata. Those familiar with Cameron and Trivedi’s Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications will find the same rigor. Those familiar with the previous edition of Microeconometrics Using Stata will find the same explanation of Stata commands, their interpretation, and their connection with microeconometric theory as well as an introduction to computational concepts that should be part of any researcher’s toolbox.
This new edition covers all the new Stata developments relevant to microeconometrics that appeared since the the last edition in 2010. It also covers the most recent microeconometric methods that have been contributed by the Stata community but have not yet made it to Stata. For example, readers will find entire new chapters on treatment effects, duration models, spatial autoregressive models, lasso, and Bayesian analysis.
The first volume introduces foundational microeconometric methods, including linear and nonlinear methods for cross-sectional data and linear panel data with and without endogeneity as well as overviews of hypothesis and model-specification tests. Beyond this, it teaches bootstrap and simulation methods, quantile regression, finite mixture models, and nonparametric regression. It also includes an introduction to basic Stata concepts and programming and to Mata for matrix programming and basic optimization.
The second volume builds on methods introduced in the first volume and walks readers through a wide range of more advanced methods useful in economic research. It starts with an introduction to nonlinear optimization methods and then delves into binary outcome methods with and without endogeneity; tobit and selection model estimates with and without endogeneity; choice model estimation; count data with and without endogeneity for conditional means and count data for conditional quantiles; survival data; nonlinear panel-data methods with and without endogeneity; exogenous and endogenous treatment effects; spatial data modeling; semiparametric regression; lasso for prediction and inference; and Bayesian econometrics.
This is just a brief overview of the contents of the book, but it exemplifies the breadth and ambition of the two volumes. In sum, it is an essential book for any applied researcher and advanced microeconometrics courses.
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List of tables
List of figures
Preface to the Second Edition (PDF)
16.2 Newton–Raphson method
16.3 Gradient methods
16.4 Overview of ml, moptimize(), and optimize()
16.5 The ml command: lf method
16.6 Checking the program
16.7 The ml command: lf0–lf2, d0–d2, and gf0 methods
16.8 Nonlinear instrumental-variables (GMM) example
16.9 Additional resources
16.10 Exercises
17.2 Some parametric models
17.3 Estimation
17.4 Example
17.5 Goodness of fit and prediction
17.6 Marginal effects
17.7 Clustered data
17.8 Additional models
17.9 Endogenous regressors
17.10 Grouped and aggregate data
17.11 Additional resources
17.12 Exercises
18.2 Multinomial models overview
18.3 Multinomial example: Choice of fishing mode
18.4 Multinomial logit model
18.5 Alternative-specific conditional logit model
18.6 Nested logit model
18.7 Multinomial probit model
18.8 Alternative-specific random-parameters logit
18.9 Ordered outcome models
18.10 Clustered data
18.11 Multivariate outcomes
18.12 Additional resources
18.13 Exercises
19.2 Tobit model
19.3 Tobit model example
19.4 Tobit for lognormal data
19.5 Two-part model in logs
19.6 Selection models
19.7 Nonnormal models of selection
19.8 Prediction from models with outcome in logs
19.9 Endogenous regressors
19.10 Missing data
19.11 Panel attrition
19.12 Additional resources
19.13 Exercises
20.2 Modeling strategies for count data
20.3 Poisson and negative binomial models
20.4 Hurdle model
20.5 Finite-mixture models
20.6 Zero-inflated models
20.7 Endogenous regressors
20.8 Clustered data
20.9 Quantile regression for count data
20.10 Additional resources
20.11 Exercises
21.2 Data and data summary
21.3 Survivor and hazard functions
21.4 Semiparametric regression model
21.5 Fully parametric regression models
21.6 Multiple-records data
21.7 Discrete-time hazards logit model
21.8 Time-varying regressors
21.9 Clustered data
21.10 Additional resources
21.11 Exercises
22.2 Nonlinear panel-data overview
22.3 Nonlinear panel-data example
22.4 Binary outcome and ordered outcome models
22.5 Tobit and interval-data models
22.6 Count-data models
22.7 Panel quantile regression
22.8 Endogenous regressors in nonlinear panel models
22.9 Additional resources
22.10 Exercises
23.2 Finite mixtures and unobserved heterogeneity
23.3 Empirical examples of FMMs
23.4 Nonlinear mixed-effects models
23.5 Structural equation models for linear structural equation models
23.6 Generalized structural equation models
23.7 ERM commands for endogeneity and selection
23.8 Additional resources
23.9 Exercises
24.2 Potential outcomes
24.3 Randomized control trials
24.4 Regression in an RCT
24.5 Treatment evaluation with exogenous treatment
24.6 Treatment evaluation methods and estimators
24.7 Stata commands for treatment evaluation
24.8 Oregon Health Insurance Experiment example
24.9 Treatment-effect estimates using the OHIE data
24.10 Multilevel treatment effects
24.11 Conditional quantile TEs
24.12 Additional resources
24.13 Exercises
25.2 Parametric methods for endogenous treatment
25.3 ERM commands for endogenous treatment
25.4 ET commands for binary endogenous treatment
25.5 The LATE estimator for heterogeneous effects
25.6 Difference-in-differences and synthetic control
25.7 Regression discontinuity design
25.8 Conditional quantile regression with endogenous regressors
25.9 Unconditional quantiles
25.10 Additional resources
25.11 Exercises
26.2 Overview of spatial regression models
26.3 Geospatial data
26.4 The spatial weighting matrix
26.5 OLS regression and test for spatial correlation
26.6 Spatial dependence in the error
26.7 Spatial autocorrelation regression models
26.8 Spatial instrumental variables
26.9 Spatial panel-data models
26.10 Additional resources
26.11 Exercises
27.2 Kernel regression
27.3 Series regression
27.4 Nonparametric single regressor example
27.5 Nonparametric multiple regressor example
27.6 Partial linear model
27.7 Single-index model
27.8 Generalized additive models
27.9 Additional resources
27.10 Exercises
28.2 Measuring the predictive ability of a model
28.3 Shrinkage estimators
28.4 Prediction using lasso, ridge, and elasticnet
28.5 Dimension reduction
28.6 Machine learning methods for prediction
28.7 Prediction application
28.8 Machine learning for inference in partial linear model
28.9 Machine learning for inference in other models
28.10 Additional resources
28.11 Exercises
29.2 Bayesian introductory example
29.3 Bayesian methods overview
29.4 An i.i.d. example
29.5 Linear regression
29.6 A linear regression example
29.7 Modifying the MH algorithm
29.8 RE model
29.9 Bayesian model selection
29.10 Bayesian prediction
29.11 Probit example
29.12 Additional resources
29.13 Exercises
30.2 User-provided log likelihood
30.3 MH algorithm in Mata
30.4 Data augmentation and the Gibbs sampler in Mata
30.5 Multiple imputation
30.6 Multiple-imputation example
30.7 Additional resources
30.8 Exercises
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